How to Start Dancing at Home + Best Dancing Apps

  • 10 Dec 2021 |
  • Giselle Blackwood

Dancing is a great way to express your talent, to get into a more fit body and to be more social with people. Most people love to dance, but they don't have the courage or time to go to a dance class. That's why we decided to create a list of the best dancing apps. The apps that we listed below can help you to become a good dancer.

There are a lot of reasons why dancing is a great way of exercising.

  1. First of all, it can help you to become fitter. Dancing is a great way to train your body and to make it more flexible. It's also a great way to burn calories.
  2. Second, dancing can help your self-esteem. When you are good at something, you feel better about yourself.
  3. And last but not least, dancing can help you to be more social with people. When you dance with someone, you create a connection with that person.

It's important to note that there are different kinds of dances, like ballet, breakdance, hip hop, etc. No matter what kind of dance you like, it's important to find a good dance app to improve your skills. That's why we created a list of 5 best dancing apps. 

Tips to Start Dancing

Tip 1: Practice alone. 

It's not about the moves you are learning, it's about the inner rhythm you are creating. The best way to develop it is to practice alone. You can either do it in front of a mirror or in your living room. Your body will learn the basic step by step movements, while your mind will begin to learn the rhythm. 

Tip 2: Make it a daily habit. 

If you have made a decision to start dancing, you need to be consistent. Dancing requires a lot of energy. You need to be motivated to push through the tiredness. It's best to integrate your dancing routine into your daily habits. It will be easy to do it if you force yourself to do it every day.

Tip 3: Take it slow. 

Don't rush through the steps. Don't try to learn too much at once. It's better to learn a few basic movements, then practice them every day, than to try to learn everything at once.

Tip 4: Best Apps for Dancing 

If you're a beginner, you should get a dance app. If you have a lack of time and money, it might be more feasible to learn at home with the help of the best dancing apps. The best app for beginners is called "Just Dance Now." It's free to download on your phone, and you can play any song you want.

Top 3 Dancing Apps

The apps that we listed below can help you to become a good dancer. All the apps that we listed below are free, so you can try them all and see which one you like the most.

Just Dance Now

I’ve already mentioned this app above, and now let’s take a closer look at it. The Just Dance Now app is a free app for Android and iOS devices that offers a large catalogue of music videos for you to watch and dance to.

In the game, you simply mimic the choreography. It's a fun way to learn and have a friendly competition. You can play with your friends or family.


Steezy is a platform that allows you to discover and share dance moves with other users. It will provide you with all the information and tools necessary to understand the dance moves and learn them faster.

You can find and follow people with the same dance style you like, people who share the same passion for dance as you do. You can also share your own dance moves on Steezy using our video recording feature and share them with your followers.

If you want to learn a new dance move you can follow other users and see what dance move they are doing, what kind of moves they like and what dance style they represent. Once you have found a dance move that you like, you can press the "on demand" button and the app will find the best tutorial video for you to learn the dance move.

Hip Hop Dance Workout

Do you want to dance and get fit? With this app, you will learn the basics of Hip hop dance and enjoy yourself doing it! Hip Hop Dance Workout app will teach you the basic techniques of Hip hop dance in a fun and easy way.

On each screen, you will be able to practice the technique at your own pace. After each screen, you will be able to see your progress. If you are looking for a fun hip hop dance workout app, you are going to love this!

Final Thought

dancing man

Dancing has many benefits such as improving physical fitness, socializing, and personal development. It is a fun way to make new friends and stay fit. There are many different types of dancing you can try including ballroom, salsa, hip hop, etc. You can join a dance class or you can learn the basics by yourself using the apps listed above.