Exploring the Influence and Prospects of the Dark Souls Series

  • 03 Jul 2023 |
  • Giselle Blackwood

Dark Souls, developed by FromSoftware and published by Bandai Namco Entertainment, is a series of critically acclaimed action RPGs (Role-Playing Games) known for their punishing difficulty, deeply immersive world-building, and rich lore. The series has made a legendary mark on modern gaming with intricate environments and strategic combat systems.

Dark Souls

Dark Souls gameplay

The original Dark Souls, first released in 2011, set the bar high. The game introduced a grimdark fantasy world filled with a haunting atmosphere. Based on the core premise of a fading world cursed by an endless cycle of death and rebirth, it invited players to explore its intricacies at their own peril. The interconnected world design was a standout, with areas often looping back on themselves in unexpected ways, encouraging players to be on the lookout and explore constantly. The notorious challenge, monumentally epic boss battles, and the unique multiplayer system further amplified the iconic reputation of Dark Souls.

Dark Souls II

Dark Souls 2 game

Dark Souls II, released in 2014, continued the story and mechanics of the original, although different directors helmed it. Players found themselves in the desolate kingdom of Drangleic, with the cursed protagonist seeking a cure for their affliction. While undergoing criticism for simplifying some gameplay aspects and less interconnected world design, Dark Souls II increased the size of its universe, offered a grander scope, and included more narrative exposition.

Dark Souls III

Dark Souls 3 game

Dark Souls III, released in 2016, brought the original game director, Hidetaka Miyazaki, back to the helm, resulting in a return to the atmospheric series' beginnings. Dark Souls III fused the unique elements of both its predecessors, providing labyrinthine-level design and strategic combat, all set in a variety of moody environments. Its narrative was considered the main series's conclusion, effectively linking the different themes and threads presented throughout the saga.


Dark Souls art

The Dark Souls series has significantly influenced the gaming industry. Its core 'punishing yet rewarding' mechanic has led many games to adopt similar systems, including Hollow Knight and The Surge. Dark Souls' storytelling, which largely depends on environmental cues and item descriptions, has also influenced numerous titles, encouraging the idea of lore-through-environment rather than easy-to-follow narratives. The concept of Dark Souls-like games has become so prevalent that a whole new sub-genre known as Soulslike has been identified.

The continuation of the Dark Souls series remains uncertain, especially as Miyazaki has publicly stated that the studio has no current plans for more sequels. However, the revered series' pioneering gameplay values and narrative methods are present in FromSoftware's subsequent releases, such as Bloodborne and Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, and they clearly intend to build on the style they have crafted. Dark Souls has forever changed the landscape of difficulty in video games, leaving the potential for the franchise to resurge in one form or another, possibly with spin-offs or new games inspired by its central ideas. Regardless of the original series’ future, the legacy of Dark Souls will undoubtedly continue to be felt throughout the gaming industry.