Each installment of the Final Fantasy series brings a plethora of unique and captivating characters, with Cid, a fan-favorite recurring figure, proving to be one of the standout characters in the series' latest installment, Final Fantasy XVI. However, it is the game's protagonist, Clive Rosfield, who truly takes the spotlight and has come to redefine our expectations of what a Final Fantasy protagonist can be. Surpassing even the likes of the iconic Cloud Strife from FFVII, Clive's character offers a refreshing depth and complexity that sets him apart.
The Benevolence of Clive Rosfield: A New Kind of Hero
What truly distinguishes Clive from his predecessors is his kindness. Unlike many Final Fantasy protagonists who often come across as cold and distant due to their complicated backstories and trust issues, Clive embodies the true image of a hero who leads through compassion rather than power alone. His kindness, humility, and vulnerability are a welcome contrast to the often emotionally unavailable protagonists of previous games. Despite his own hardships and suffering, Clive's capacity for kindness is unwavering, making him a beloved figure among those he encounters in the game.
Clive's Unwavering Love: Relationships that Define a Hero
Clive’s relationships in the game further highlight his exceptional character. His relationship with his brother, Joshua, and his childhood friend and romantic interest, Jill, are testaments to his unwavering kindness. Despite the injustices he suffers, including his mother’s preference for Joshua and subsequent rejection of him, Clive harbors neither bitterness nor envy. Instead, he shows an affectionate protectiveness towards Jill and an unconditional love for Joshua, treating them with the utmost respect and care. His selflessness extends to his friends and acquaintances, who can always rely on him to respond to their requests with graciousness and willingness.
The Tragedy of Clive's Life: A Tale Told Through Gameplay
Clive's life story is one of tragedy and hardship, but it is precisely this narrative that makes him one of the most compelling characters in the franchise. Unlike previous installments where the protagonist's backstory is revealed sporadically throughout the game, Final Fantasy XVI allows players to witness and experience Clive's life story in real-time, creating a deep emotional connection between players and the character. The game's narrative is particularly brutal, with Clive's mother, Anabella, betraying her family and Clive eventually realizing that he killed his own brother. Yet, through all his suffering, Clive remains steadfast, making him a truly inspiring figure.
The Power of Clive: A Force to Be Reckoned With
On top of his remarkable kindness and resilience, Clive is also one of the most powerful protagonists in the Final Fantasy series. Unlike past protagonists who have relied on their natural abilities, Clive possesses supernatural powers, allowing him to channel the powers of the series' most powerful creatures, the Eikons. This unique ability sets Clive apart from even the most powerful characters in the series, such as Cloud Strife, whose abilities come naturally.
In summary, Clive Rosfield of Final Fantasy XVI is arguably the franchise's best protagonist in recent years. His kindness, resilience in the face of adversity, and exceptional power are qualities that make him a unique and memorable character. As the Final Fantasy series continues to evolve, it's clear that Clive Rosfield has set a new standard for what a Final Fantasy protagonist can and should be.